Helping people discover the truth about Jesus – Part 6

Further insights regarding discovery being a journey

We need to move beyond just focusing on people making a decision to follow Jesus. We need to give equal, if not greater emphasis, to moving people forward in their understanding of Jesus. To move them on in their picture of who God is and what the church is. We need to correct people’s understanding of the nature and character of God, help them see that Jesus introduces us to God the Father. We need to introduce people to the Big Story of the Bible, in which the smaller stories take their place. We need to help people know who is and should be in control – God not us!

Whilst recognising the important role that the supernatural, including healing, plays in the process we need to also recognise that not everyone Jesus healed followed him. E.g.  See John 6v66. However someone being healed does usually open the door to sharing a little more about the one who healed them!

My own experience and that of many others, is that people often need many positive experiences of Christianity before they are willing to follow Jesus. It is suggested that the norm is between 5 and 7 such experiences.

Jesus told the parable of the sower to help us understand the process of discovery. See Matthew 13 and Luke 8.

In the parable there are 3 bad soils and 1 good soil. The difference between the soils relates to understanding. The path represents no understanding; rocky soil some understanding but not the full implications; thorns some understanding but no understanding of the lordship of Christ, there is no change in lifestyle. The good soil is characterised by honesty and understanding.

We therefore need to help people, over time, to come to a proper understanding of who Jesus is if we want to keep them and reduce the prospect of them falling away.

I am also convinced that we have to exercise caution regarding declaring someone an authentic follower of Jesus. God alone is the judge. We are told that there will be observable fruit that someone has started following Jesus, but this can take time to be seen. We therefore need to be patient, not rushing people to a premature decision to follow Jesus and being careful regarding what we claim on behalf of others.


Written By Tony Thompson


Tony is the leader of Hope Church Luton.  He works full time for the church and is married to Anne and they have 2 sons.

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